
Forestry and wood

Forestry and wood Industry

Expertise and experience

Our extensive expertise and experience in this sector have led to our staff working in forests on more than five continents, ranging from the most remote areas to large and small timber producing sites.

How we work

Global experience

We are responsive and flexible. Being a family-owned company, we are interested in building long-term relationships with our customers based on values such as mutual trust and respect. Our ability to combine various fields of expertise means that we can offer solutions at different stages of the supply chain. We have a pragmatic, hands-on, and innovative approach which is oriented towards finding the ideal solution for you.


Multidisciplinary teams

We build corporate teams from different regions and fields of expertise to best suit your requirements.

our unique approach

Intake to clarify your needs

We take time to clearly understand your needs and ensure that our carefully considered solution is the most appropriate answer to your question.

Trees & Logs

We work with many companies around the globe to help them reassure customers that their products are being sustainably sourced from a legal origin.

A number of services are available to cover the forestry sector, biomass and timber industries. With more than 20 years’ experience, our forestry and timber experts will provide you with an efficient and professional service that meets your needs.

How can we help you?

Are you looking for an quotation or do you have a question? Please let us know! We are glad to be of help or inform you of our services.